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Dear Ato Melkamu
Thanks a lot for the respectful hospitality. Your presentation was something I have never seen in Addis. It is brief, inclusive and gracious to all stakeholders. Your vision is amazing. Your confidence is super. I will be happy to know more and help sharing my little knowledge any time you need me... just for the satisfaction of it. The industry needs knowledge professional leaders like you to grow. Sorry for being late mainly due to trafic . God bless your effort. With respect
Dr. Arega yirdaw president of Unity University and Ex. CEO of Midrocc Ethiopia. Dr. Arega is named as the remarkable visionary leader, author, Technologiest, and Educator. It is really a great honour to me and MME.
Eight years ago, the year Marathon was founded, we began collaborating with them. We have bought about eight
automobiles from them, including trucks. The pricing of the cars is appealing, and they come with even more stunning
cars, flawless ser vices, and replacement par ts. We have a great deal of trust in Marathon Motor, and we always
consider them first when we want to buy a car. We wish them continued success in the future
Eng. Saifudin Khalifa Co-owner, Senior D/GM,Kadisco Paint & Adhesive Industry S.C
In 2009, when Marathon Motor entered the market for the first time, we began doing business. Additionally, I purchased the first car they brought. I have purchased two H1s, one I10, and most recently a Creta over the years, and I plan to purchase another one shor tly. These autos are incredibly well-made. I therefore tell my friends, family, and relatives that getting this car is essential.
Dr. Tibebu Gashu Founder, Tibebu Gashu Law Office
My initial purchase from Marathon Motor, the HD72 truck, was for business use as they were impor ters of container trucks at the time. Impressed by their speed and strength, I proceeded to purchase the HD65 model. Eventually, I was convinced to buy their first impor ted Elantra for personal use and was also the first customer to purchase their initially imported Santafe.
Mr. Moges Tesfaye, Founder, Adera General Trading PLC
Hyundai is treated as one of its own by Marathon Motor Engineering. You will suppor t the business once you witness the strength and quality of the vehicles, the general maintenance the company offers, the authenticity of their replacement par ts, and their full range of ser vices. You will become an enthusiast for Hyundai, just like me, if you use it. With the help of Marathon Motor, Hyundai Motor 's market position in Ethiopia has entirely altered, and the company is now experiencing the same level of success as businesses that have been operating in Ethiopia for more than 50 years.
Mr. Robel Seido, Business Consultant
ማራቶን ሞተር (ብቸኛ እና ህጋዊ የሃንዳይ ሞተር ኩባንያ ወኪል) ገጣጥሞ ለገበያ የሚያቀርባቸዉ የሃንዳይ ተሽከርካሪዎች በምን እንደሚለዩ ያዉቃሉ?
MME training center follows the Hyundai Cyber Academy (HCA) Program. We are operating under the remote control of this academy. In view of the above we are conducting the following program on the passenger vehicle area.
Our workshop is fully equipped with modern workshop equipment, highly skilled and experienced technicians and providing efficient and reliable service in its workshop located both in Saris and Megenagna in Addis Ababa and also Hawassa.
As the Hyundai service center in Ethiopia that you can trust, we guarantee that you will receive world-class service from our exceptional, factory-trained technicians.
Regular service and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your vehicle so you can get as many worry-free kilometers from it as possible.
When you bring your Hyundai to Marathon motor, you’re putting it in the hands of people who know your vehicle inside and out.
We value all our customers and we commit to:
Ato Melkamu Asefa
Ato Berho Hasan
ኤልያስ ተገኝ , February 2, 2025
የኤሌክትሪክ ተሽከርካሪ በስፋት ሥራ ላይ እንዲውል የሚለውን በማሰብ መንግሥት በነዳጅ የሚሠሩ ተሽርካሪዎች ወደ አገር ውስጥ እንዳይገቡ ከማገድ ጀምሮ፣ የኤሌክትሪክ ተሽከርካሪ ኢንቨስትመንትንና አስመጪዎችን የሚያበረታታ፣